How alive are you?I wish you knew this in %

"knowledge is an ever-Hungry pet"


Next is Next 
- Perform for Purpose


    Enjoy every momentDon't be absent in your own life

    During many meets and conferences of my early days of career, I gave more attention to taking notes and recording quotes of what the speakers said than actually installing myself in the context and connecting with their expertise. End of the conference, I always lost those notebooks in the evening.

    Same is happening to our life. We give more attention to taking pictures of mesmerizing moments and vivid celebrations than actually being there completely and immersing ourselves into it. End of the day, either those pictures are lost in transfers or they are so many that we don’t have time to see them.

    Not a visionaryIf not curious about life and the universe

    Second Half of Life

    The second half of life is Protracted. It's lengthier and uneventful than the first half. Plan it Prudently


    Doubt is a dear habit of insecure people who can't ask questions and/or listen to answers

    Sanat Neupane, a WarriorFight the 5 wars of your life

    1. Self War
    2. Work War
    3. Family War
    4. Social War
    5. Cosmic War

    More on sayssanatlife appraisal

    Dear colleague,

    I am not unhappy that you left I am unhappy that i lost you in a materialistic auction

    Today's Quote

    Whatever has to happen will definitely happen,
    but mayn’t happen at the TIME you wanted it to happen.
    Don’t trust KARMA blindly.

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